




The 皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院 Campus 安全 Department is a non-commissioned security 力.  所有校园保安人员都接受过急救、心肺复苏术和体外除颤器的培训 应急反应补充说明. 我们的保安人员在两个校区巡逻 (皇冠8868会员登录 and Omak) on foot, en力 the laws and 规定 that govern conduct 并有权开出停车罚单. 皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院 安全/安全 staff work to ensure a safe and orderly environment in which members 大学社区可以追求自己的教育目标. 我们提供服务 assistance to students, staff, and community members and assure compliance with college 规定. 我们校园里每天24小时都有保安人员. 我们想要的 every student, staff, and community member to feel safe while on campus and have established 校园保安指引.

To report in-progress or immediate crimes, fires or medical emergencies, please dial 拨打任何学校电话911,然后联系校园安全:


从校园电话拨打6911或从非校园电话拨打509-682-6911. 您也可以致电509-682-6659与安全,保安和应急经理联系.


Omak 安全 during the hours of 1:00 pm – 9:00 pm Monday – Thursday and 1:00 pm 至星期五下午五时. 从校园电话拨打7911或从非校园电话拨打 509-422-7911. 您也可以致电509-682-6659与安全,保安和应急经理联系.


皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院 encourages employees, students, and visitors to immediately report any incidents on campus that may constitute a crime, student code of conduct violation, or an emergency -- including threats, harassment or behavior which you find disruptive or unsafe -- so they may be dealt with in a timely and consistent 的方式.

 提交事故报告 在这里


Report workplace injury accidents, occupational illness or any other accident to an employee, student, or visitor that involves an injury on the WVC campus or to an employee 或在校外工作的学生在两天内. 提供详细信息 并尽可能准确地填写表格.

Submit the completed and signed form to the department supervisor for review and signature. Signatures are required on this form prior to being submitted, unless the affected party is unable to sign at the time of the accident, then follow up will take place 在以后的日子.  事故表必须直接提交给行政部门的希瑟·曼迪 服务,三楼,皇冠8868会员登录大厅. 

提交事故报告 在这里.


皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院 is dedicated to maintaining an academic and work environment 没有性骚扰.  禁止对教职员工或学生进行性骚扰 这样的法律是不会被容忍的.  性骚扰侵犯了个人的尊严 阻碍了高校教育使命的实现.  学院是 committed to preventing and addressing sexual harassment of faculty, staff, and students through education and by encouraging faculty, staff, and students to report any 担忧 或者对性骚扰的投诉.  将立即采取纠正措施 停止性骚扰,无论何时何地发生.

欲了解更多关于第九条性骚扰的信息,请访问我们的网站 在这里.

Anyone can report a concern about sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or gender 影响皇冠8868会员登录谷学院学生的歧视.  学院将会 尽最大可能保护投诉人的私隐. 所有其他员工,包括学生员工,都必须报告第九条 担忧.

提交第九条性骚扰报告 在这里.


气候、文化、多样性执行主任 & 归属感

Emaititle9@tiemles.com 联系所有校园联系人.


The Clery Act was named after Jeanne Clery, who was raped and murdered in her dorm 1986年4月5日,一个同学在房间里. 她的父母支持珍妮·克莱里 Disclosure of Campus 安全 Policy and Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) in her memory.  The Clery Act requires colleges and universities in federal financial aid programs to report campus crime data, support victims of violence, and publicly outline the 他们制定了政策和程序来改善校园安全.

In accordance with federal law, WVC provides all crimes reported on the campus or 在大学校园附近的房子里.  这一信息每年都有 在一个  年度安全报告 和更多的统计数据可以在WVC上找到 公开资料网页. This chart includes crimes that were reported to the 皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院 Campus 安全 Officer, 皇冠8868会员登录 Police, Chelan County Sheriff, Okanogan County Sheriff, Omak Police and other college officials who have significant responsibilities for 学生及校园活动. 如果你对犯罪数据有任何疑问 or safety issues on campus, please contact the 安全, 安全 and Emergency Manager at 509-682-6659.


皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院 is authorized to notify the college community if a registered 在皇冠8868会员登录谷学院校园内或附近可能会出现性犯罪者.24.550). In such cases, the Vice 总统 of 学生 服务 (VPSS) or a college designee 将执行以下程序. 在得知入学和/或出席后 of a convicted sexual offender at a 皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院 campus, the VPSS or a 学院指定人员将: 

  • Review all relevant and necessary information provided by law en力ment personnel and assess the safety issues posed for students, employees and children on campus.
  • VPSS和安全 & 安全应急经理(SSEM)将会见所有级别的人员 皇冠8868会员登录谷学院的二、三性犯罪者. 学生将被告知 of the notification procedure and conditions of enrollment, as well as, provided with information regarding rights, responsibilities and privacy protections of students. Based on information received from law en力ment and the interview, WVC may impose 违法者在WVC学习期间必须遵守的入学条件. 违反 of these conditions may result in disciplinary action and notification of law en力ment.
  • The VPSS will release the identity and information according to the guidelines below. 书记官长将协调通知程序.

Notification will correspond with the classification level in the following 的方式:

一级-低风险(再犯). The vast majority of registered sex offenders are classified as Level 1 offenders. These individuals may be first-time offenders and are usually known by their victims. They normally have not exhibited predatory type characteristics and most have successfully 参加或正在参加批准的治疗方案. 

  • Vice 总统 of Instruction, Deans of instruction and professional programs will 提供违法者名单,并根据需要提供最新资料.
  • 教师 and staff in whose program/courses the offender is 登记 in will be notified 通过电子邮件.
  • Student employment office will be given a list of offenders and updated information 根据需要.
  • 学生服务 will keep current a list of offenders and update information 根据需要.

二级-中度风险(再犯). 二级性犯罪者有不止一个受害者,而且虐待可能是长期的. These offenders usually groom their victims and may use threats to commit their crimes. They are considered a higher risk to re-offend because of the nature of their previous 犯罪和生活方式(吸毒/酗酒和/或其他犯罪活动). 一些人 拒绝参加或未能完成批准的治疗方案. II级 性犯罪者一定也见过VPSS和SSEM.

  • 所有一级通知.

ii级-高风险(可能再犯). 三级性犯罪者是社会的最大威胁. 大多数是掠食性动物, have other violent crime convictions, refused treatment, and are known substance abusers. 三级性犯罪者也必须与VPSS和SSEM进行过会面.

  • 所有I级和II级通知.
  • 通过校园邮件和/或列表服务提供给大学员工的信息.
  • VPSS or designee will provide notification to the classes in which the offender is 登记.
  • Public Notification: "Sex Offender Release" is posted on various bulletin boards around 校园由学生服务中心负责.